Email Trends that Will Enhance Your Construction Marketing Efforts

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The Construction Industry Should Jump on these Email Marketing Trends

Back when email marketing was fairly new, it was used only to promote new products. In fact, email was first used by a marketing manager named Gary Thuerk. He sent emails promoting DEC machines to 400 users using Arpanet. The result was $13 million worth of sales. Those emails were sent out purely for advertising purposes and offered no value to the receivers, which is in drastic comparison to how emails are used today. Today, there are many email trends for construction marketing that will enhance your overall marketing efforts. Businesses no longer just send out emails about product features and discounts. They also share content that is of value to their audience.

As a marketing tool, email is perhaps the best way to reach out to your audience. It is also very easy to integrate into existing campaigns and can offer many benefits to your construction business. 

Email marketing benefits

Planning email marketing for construction companies is one of the easiest ways to advertise different products and services. There are so many benefits to this type of marketing that the results are easy to see and worth the effort as well. Below are some of the biggest benefits of email marketing: 

  • Create stronger relationships with your customers by sharing information with them regularly and consistently. This value you give them helps to strengthen your relationship.
  • Drive more conversions than through social media marketing. McKinsey reports that an email order value is at least 3x times higher than a social media post’s order value.
  • Increase traffic to your website by linking from your social media accounts or through a compelling call-to-action that readers have to click on to complete an action on your site.
  • Directly reach your customers without worrying about organic or paid reach through email. They reach everyone in your email list, unlike SEO or ads.
  • Boost sales by sending emails consistently and regularly, with personalized content. Easily share information about services, products, and new happenings within your company.

Trends constantly change, and this is true even in the case of email trends for construction marketing. Here are some of the future trends for email marketing that we have identified: 

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Email accessibility for everyone

With how accessible the internet is for people, emails will also be equally as accessible in the future. Emails nowadays can be rendered across many devices, especially on mobile. So, compatibility and email testing will become much more common. For those with accessibility issues, they currently cannot access their inboxes easily if at all. Voice technology is one such example of the advancements in email technology. Millions of Americans already use voice assistants, with thnumber expected to touch 8 billion users by the year 2023. 

Technology will drive email marketing

Using AI (artificial intelligence)businesses will be able to understand buyer behavior better and gain data-driven insights like interests, purchasing behavior, and browsing behavior. This data can then be useto set up automated campaigns that will engage leads. This automation will also make it easier to create emails that provide value to the receivers. Customer data can be made use of to personalize contentAI will also automate things like email planning and management, including A/B testing, and to improve workflows, similar to email marketing software.  

More interactive email designs

Interactive email designs should integrate both interactivity and responsiveness. The emails of the future will more than likely work like miniature websites, with multiple interactive parts like videos, animated design elements, and quizzes. These kinds of emails will allow users to perform an action within the email and see the result within the email itself.  If this trend comes to pass, it will increase customer engagement and click-through-rates. The best way to increase engagement is to be entertaining, not sales. Otherwise, there will be a chance of no interaction from the reader’s side. 

Email marketing laws are always changing

Thanks to Gary, a new way of marketing was born, and businesses began to take advantage of it. But it was only in 1998, when the Data Protection Act was updated, that all marketing emails were required to include an opt-out option. These laws still protect individuals from being spammed without consent today. Which is why most emails now are sent only after the recipient subscribes to an email list and why they are personalized for individual receivers. So, email marketing will always be relevant, as long as it continues to evolve along with changing technologies and laws. 

So those are some of the email trends for construction marketing that you can use as part of your overall construction marketing plan. Email marketing is still one of the most affordable and easy to use methods of marketing. And with the advancements in technology and changing consumer behavior, it will only become easier for construction businesses to interact with their audience and make more sales.

If you are looking for new ways to market your business and would like to try email marketing or improve your existing email marketing strategy, CMGurus can assist you in getting started with our construction marketing services. We have certified PPC and SEO experts to help your construction business reach new heights.